
TEL: +971 2 627 7090

Request For Quotation

Safty Policy

Here at ABC BALLOON, your safety and the safety of all who use our equipment, is taken very seriously. Therefore please take note of the following:



"Rules of Play" & "Operating Procedures"

These rules are a legal requirement and are designed to ensure the safety of all users. A responsible adult of a Minimum age of 18 years must supervise the children at all times of operation.
  • Children on the inflatable should be of a similar age and stature. Depending on the size of the unit, the guardian should monitor the number of children allowed on at any one time.
  • Make sure that child remove shoes, spectacles and any sharp objects, such as buckles, pens,Knives etc. before entering the inflatable.
  • No flipping. No piling on. No wrestling. No horseplay. No activity should be allowed likely to result in injury.
  • Do not climb on walls or netting. Do not allow users who are taller than the outside walls, when standing on the inflated bed, to use the unit.
  • Do not play on the step/front apron. Never jump or play on a partially inflated unit.
  • Do not allow any person or group of persons to be on the unit, except those for whom it was Designed. i.e. Older children must not be allowed on units intended for toddlers.
  • Do not go near the inflatable fan especially if you are wet. Play should not be allowed on wet Surfaces or during persistent rain.
  • Children are not allowed to go near the electricity for the inflatable since it may deflate and injure the children that are playing.


Due concern and awareness should be given to prevailing wind conditions. The inflatable can turn over in high wind, which could result in injury to users. Do not operate until adverse weather conditions cease.



  • Do not climb on the side walls.
  • Do not climb up the slide the wrong way.
  • Do not overcrowd the slide.
  • Do not go down the slide head first.


  • ABC BALLOON cannot be held responsible for damage to underground cables or pipes in the vicinity of the inflatable. Please ensure the area chosen to erect the inflatable is free of all these aforementioned objects.
  • ABC BALLOON will not be responsible for any injury or accident prior and after the party since we already have the aforementioned Rules and Regulations.
  • Once the party is over, the client will be responsible for the safety of their children and for the items that are left in their location until they are taken.

Please sign and fax to 02-6260101 for confirmation.
Customers’ Signature